Golf Tee Professional Multicolor Set Aid Tool


Use this handy golf standard to launch your next great marketing campaign! These eco-friendly golf tees are made from biodegradable bamboo. Available in a variety of bright colors or solid wood shades. Makes a great Father's Day gift for dads, executives and other golf enthusiasts. Customize, imprint, and distribute at your next event and you're sure to hit a hole-in-one with all your clients. Golfers around the world will be able to shine when playing with this high-quality golf equipment. All items offer customization so you can add your brand name, logo, event title, marketing message and more. Create promotional gifts or giveaways for corporate or charity golf tournaments, pro shops and many other golf related events!

Price from $0.037 - $0.058

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 1000 -4999 $0.058 5000 -9999 $0.055 10000 -49999 $0.052 50000 -79999 $0.048 80000 -99999 $0.047 100000 -149999 $0.043 150000 -299999 $0.04 300000 + $0.037

Price Includes: 1 color 1 location imprinted & shipping fee to CA

Imprint Charges Price
Sample Charge - Full Color, Silkscreen, Unimprinted
Set-up Charge - Full Color, Silkscreen, Unimprinted